Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fly Control Solutions

Flies can be very difficult to get control of. Please refer to the following recommendations to achieve desired level of fly control.

  • Remove potential breeding sites on the outside

  • Use exclusion techniques to prevent flies from entering inside

  • Eliminate potential breeding sites on the inside

  • Maintain a moderate level of sanitation

Concentrating on these steps will help fly populations be greatly reduced, and you will be well on your way to controlling your fly population.

Areas of Concern


Reduce outside breeding sites


Make sure that garbage cans or dumpsters have tight fitting lids; Pressure wash periodically and treat with a residual insecticide


Don't let organic material accumulate or rot

Outside Trash Receptacles

Remove garbage at least 2 times per week

Landscaping Areas

Weeds & old clippings removed, good drainage

Prevent flies from entering


Treat with a residual insecticide to kill flies where they land; Use of air-curtains; Time released pyrethrin spray; Tightly seal doors and windows; Maintain screens; Keep trash cans as far away from door as possible

Garbage and Garbage Cans

Garbage should be removed frequently; Keep far away from entry points

Processing and Prep Equipment

Keep exposed food covered

Dishwashing Areas

Keep clean; Prevent accumulation of food particles

Floor Areas Under Counters

Try to keep debris picked up off floor and out of crevices and out from under appliances

Cabinets and equipment

Can accumulate debris; Keep Clean

Floor Drains and Ceiling Vents

Do not let floor drains stand in water; keep ceiling vents screened properly; Commercial Kitchens should make sure that floor drains are screened and grease pits are emptied and cleaned at least 1 time per month.

Cleaning Equipment

Brooms and mops should be thoroughly and hung upside down

Food Storage Areas

Kept Clean and free from rotting or fermenting material; Keep material in proper storage containers

Animal carcasses

Should be disposed of promptly; Placed in a air tight bag if possible

Incoming Produce

Store in proper place as soon as possible

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