Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pyganic Dust-10oz.Pyrethrin

Pyganic Dust-10oz. Pyrethrin

Pyganic Dust-10 oz.
Active ingredient in Pyganic Dust is Pyrethrin ..... 1%
Pyganic dust is a low odor , fine white dust which works as a dessicant on insects, just like Drione Dust. Pyganic dust cuts into the exoskleton of the insect, causing a lethal loss of moisture.

This unique formulation will last over a year in treated voids. Pyganic Dust is mostly Silica Gel so like Drione, it works by dehydrating insects.
Use with hand dusters and avoid the power dusters.
PyGanic Dust with 1% Pyrethrin is a botanical insecticide dust that treats a broad range of insects.PyGanic Dust handles the toughest indoor and outdoor pests, including bed bugs fleas, ticks, ants, German cockroaches and more than 230 crawling and flying insects.The pyrethrin gives the dust a fast kill and makes the product natural and safe for use around people and pets . Pyganic Dust is a great alternative to Drione Dust .Can be used in food handling and feed areas.
Use sites include homes, hotels, hospitals, apartments, office buildings, restaurants, food and feed areas — even in livestock buildings and premises.
Research shows PyGanic Dust delivers fast kill of pests compared to leading dust products.

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