Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rat Sorb (1oz) Odor Eliminator for Dead Rodents

Rat Sorb (1oz) Odor eliminator for Dead Rodents

The Best Mouse Traps and Rodent Control

At ePestSolutions we offer a full line of professional rat control products, pest control, including baits, mouse traps, poisons, stations and glueboards for all your Do It yourself Pest Control needs. These rodent control products are the most effective professional control products on the market and until recently were not available to the general public, now you can use the same products the professional pest control technicians use at a fraction of the cost. You will find the largest selection of bait stations, glueboards, rodent bait, multi catch traps, snap traps for any size rodent and population

Rat Sorb is easy to use and it quickly eliminates odors caused by dead animals, waste, urine, feces and other obnoxious odors created by animals and rodents.

Rat Sorb may be easily used by liberally moistening cotton balls with Rat Sorb and placing them near the source of the odor.
Do not place on areas that could be easily stained.
When odors are severe use several cotton balls.
The Cotton balls that have been soaked in Ratsorb can be placed inside walls through electrical switch plates, any utility access or make your own small hole.
Ratsorb may also be diluted with water and sprayed on and into areas like concrete, carpet or wood.
They will realease a pleasant odor. Ratsorb works on many other offensive odors also.
Manufactured by: Vimar Corporation

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1 comment:

Bigico Pest Control said...

Fantastic and useful we blog thanks for publishing's useful and informative.keep up the great.

Rodent Control