Thursday, November 13, 2008


Your restaurant may have regular customers – even those you want to avoid! We have all been to a resturant where we have seen a small roach crawling around near our table, most people including me would not visit that establishment again. Most customers are likely to tell their story to at least one friend. You know the old saying see one roach during the day time and there are probably hundreds if not thousands at night. The best way to keep these guest from causing revenue loss is to prevent the population in the first place. for all your roach control needs

Here are some facts:

  • Unsightly, menacing cockroaches can impact your restaurant’s profitability and its reputation, not to mention the health of your customers and employees.

  • Lost or unhappy customers due to cockroach sightings can have a significant economic impact on your business.

  • Statistics show that one unsatisfied customer may tell up to 20 other people about their unpleasant experience.

  • Can you afford to take the chance of one of your customers spying a cockroach in your restaurant?

  • Cockroaches can cause problems like disruptions of electronic cash registers, computers, security devices, smoke detectors, etc. by invading and leaving debris in these sensitive areas.

  • Roaches contaminate food with their excrement and secrete an unpleasant odor which can permeate your restaurant environment.

  • Cockroaches have been identified by our public health agencies as a vector for tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, salmonella, e. coli, typhoid and many other types of disease-producing bacteria.

  • This is why public health inspectors are adamant about cockroach control in restaurants.
    Recently, cockroaches have been shown to be a major source of allergens affecting adults and children.

We can help you prevent and stop any roach control issue you may have in your commerical facility, resturant or home. Saving our customers over 60% by doing their on pest control.

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